The opportunity to launch new services and products on the market gives me greatest satisfaction in my work. Finding ways to overcome barriers created by anachronistic laws for new technologies and IT sector. Sometimes it is a matter of a creative approach, sometimes the in-depth knowledge of the sector. In other cases, it involves the ability to use an extensive network of contacts and my knowledge base.
I enjoy interacting with people. Discussions with clients always give me much inspiration. I treat every project as a challenge I may commit to in 100%. Just like on a football pitch, when I regularly play football. Every pass is a chance to score a goal, gain experience and team work skill. In both cases these are common objectives, good communication and consistency in action that count.
Law has always been a meaningful part of my life. I have always wanted to fulfill myself professionally in this field, to study and to master it. I feel really good in the world of law and my work brings me fulfillment. I am involved in my Clients’ cases with full attention. By achieving the Clients’ goals, I achieve my own professional goals. In my portfolio, I can present personal achievements in, among others, public procurement law, bond issuance and corporate law. I have been also involved in corporate services for a long time. Travelling and great scenarios of Netflix’s series are a real treat to me.
I have always been fascinated with the way people approach legal problems. They can usually be solved in many ways. Often shortcuts are chosen that bring only short-term benefits. It is my ambition to solve the legal problems once and for all – in the long-term perspective. The high quality and efficiency of the solutions I offer is also important to me from the perspective of a father who would like to set a good example for his children. I would like them to always find a way out of the situations they find themselves into. I instill in my children a will to fight and the ability to work in a group, which I have developed throughout years of playing volleyball.
Taxes are rarely associated with something positive. Unless, according to the law, you manage to pay them less. This is the field in which I specialize and am professionally fulfilled. As part of corporate legal services, I support entrepreneurs in tax optimization and searching for solutions that will reduce business operating costs.
I am also skilled in all tasks related to contracts - I can negotiate them skillfully and, thanks to my understanding of business, complete them in the best interest of the client.
In my spare time I replace laws, regulations and codes with books. I read several dozens of books a year. I am also quite familiar with new series, movies, and… comic books. I keep track on Manchester United games and when weather is great – I can be found in mountains, especially in winter when I go snowboarding.
I am an advocate specializing in intellectual and industrial property law, in particular computer law, copyright law, personal data protection, trademarks, brand protection and media and new technologies law. I have many years of experience in providing advice for either national and foreign clients, also as a partner and head of New Technologies and Intellectual Property Law departments of the largest Polish law firms.
My competence is evidenced by high position in legal rankings and recommendations on foreign lists, including Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, World Trademark Review and Best Lawyers, as well as from individual clients.
During my cooperation with clients I stand out as a person who deeply understands the clients’ real needs and expectations – which translates into quickly solving the actual problems. A wide range of competences requires great flexibility in moving from one legal issue to another in a way that is understandable for a client. I am able to present even the most complicated issues in a simple, illustrative manner and present efficient solutions.
Jestem radczynią prawną specjalizującą się w prawie korporacyjnym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów M&A i przekształceń, w prawie umów - w tym w ramach projektów IT, oraz w prawie zamówień publicznych. W swojej karierze wielokrotnie uczestniczyłam i nadzorowałam procesy due dilligence, jak i restrukturyzacje podmiotów gospodarczych. Przeprowadziłam szereg postępowań zamówieniowych z ramienia zamawiających, a także wspierałam wykonawców na każdym etapie procesu i realizacji umowy, w tym również reprezentowałam obie strony przed Krajową Izbą Odwoławczą. W pracy prawnika najbardziej lubię jej analityczny charakter, kontakt z ludźmi i możliwość ciągłego rozwoju. Współpracując z klientem staram się przedstawić możliwe rozwiązania w sposób jasny i praktyczny, przy jednoczesnym zabezpieczeniu jego interesów.
On a daily basis, I also care about the good spirit of the team where I work, adhering to the principle that teamwork is the source of success in any workplace. In my spare time, I ride horses, hike in the mountains with my adopted dog and travel.
Wychodzę z założenia, że dobry prawnik nie może być przeszkodą dla realizacji celu biznesowego założonego przez klienta, a powinien wskazywać jak ten cel najlepiej osiągnąć. Ta zasada zawsze obecna jest w trakcie prowadzonych przeze mnie licznych negocjacjach umów i bieżącej pomocy dla klientów. Ponadto w codziennej pracy staram się wykorzystywać swoje mocne cechy osobiste.
Obok negocjowania umów moje doświadczenie obejmuje przede wszystkim doradztwo w zakresie prawa korporacyjnego, prawa własności intelektualnej oraz zamówień publicznych głównie z branży IT, gamedev, sektora energetycznego oraz przemysłu ciężkiego. Nie jest mi obce także opracowywanie optymalnych struktur i definiowanie rzeczywistych potrzeb prawnych dla podmiotów kreatywnych. Od początku mojej prawniczej kariery wspieram również przedsiębiorców z krajów niemieckojęzycznych inwestujących w Polsce.
Po pracy można mnie spotkać najczęściej w kuchni, gdzie daję upust swojej kreacji bez ograniczeń, a ostatnio także na supie na Jeziorze Żywieckim. Pociąga mnie także współczesna literatura czeska, technika kolejowa, fotografia oraz jak przystało na prawnika zajmującego się gamingiem gry komputerowe.
In the initial period of my professional life, I gained experience in the area of public procurement law, and now I am pleased to be involved in projects related to real estate investments and IT projects.
What I like about my work as a lawyer is its analytical nature and working with people. I share my knowledge and experience in a committed way.
I spend my free time actively, in the mountains or on the tennis court.
I advise entrepreneurs at every stage of their business, helping to create and optimize legal structures, resolve commercial disputes and comply with regulations and industry standards.
I have extensive experience in representing clients in various types of civil cases, ensuring the effective resolution of disputes and the protection of their rights.
I gained professional experience as a judge's assistant and during several years of practice in law firms in Warsaw. He effectively uses the skills acquired while working in court in his legal practice.
My first experience in law was in the sector of international tax planning, corporate law and blockchain technologies.
In my work as a lawyer I greatly appreciate the constant opportunity to develop, hence I chose a professional path into a sector of new technologies and their current challenges.
If I weren't a lawyer, I would probably be a sommelier. In my free time I tend to wander though art galleries or stretching on a yoga mat.