Prawo IT / AI

Legal assistance for the IT industry is a specific task.

A software house creating IT software requires a special type of legal help in dealing with their legal challenges. Matters need to be resolved quickly, contract negotiations and signing must be a matter of no longer than days, not weeks. When the situation is critical and a client returns for an urgent analysis of the SLA agreement, the response must be ready within hours.

Throughout the process of advising IT companies, a lot of additional knowledge and understanding is required - how does software development work? How does the market for hiring programmers work, what should be considered when outsourcing work to external entities?

IT law also involves knowledge of software distribution, licensing models for SAAS software, and finally tax knowledge - how to take advantage of the IP BOX? What contracts to sign to settle the sale of software as favorably as possible?

Differences will be significant in the case of companies offering body leasing programmers and those working on their own software.

Legal support for the IT industry

In addition, IT processes related to the legal sector often touch on very complex and difficult issues, including data protection and intellectual property rights.

It is worth every company operating in the IT sector to cooperate with a lawyer.

Good cooperation with a law firm guarantees safety in conducting business in the IT sector. This way, it is possible, among other things, to avoid conflict situations between contractors and partners, take care of one's intellectual property, and by designing contracts appropriately, support the company's work with specialists - especially in the case of outsourcing developer work, which is so often used in new technology sectors.

To find the right help in all the above-mentioned matters and cases, it is worth seeking professional legal advice.

Our law firm has many years of experience in servicing the IT industry and we know the answers to all the above-mentioned issues. We offer specific legal support at various levels of development in different sectors of companies. We work with both small companies executing orders for larger ones, as well as with holdings involved in international projects and orders. We help IT entrepreneurs with tax settlements and write contracts for the most complicated IT projects.

We carry out all work according to the needs of the industry - quickly, with an open mind to non-standard actions and arrangements.

Obsługa prawna branży AI

Nasza Kancelaria wspiera również Przedsiębiorców w zakresie prawa sztucznej inteligencji (AI).

Rozumiemy, że kluczem do sukcesu działań wykorzystujących AI, jest przejrzystość i zgodność z dynamicznie zmieniającym się prawem. Sami implementujemy AI do naszej działalności. Widzimy więc jaki to jest potencjał ale też zdajemy sobie sprawę ile wyzwań wiąże się z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji.

Na bazie własnych doświadczeń dajemy strategiczne wsparcie prawne w skutecznym wykorzystaniu potencjału jakie daje AI.

Na bieżąco analizujemy potencjalne ryzyka związane z AI, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektu AI Act. Tworzymy regulaminy, które są nie tylko solidną podstawą prawną, ale również odzwierciedlają innowacyjny charakter usług i narzędzi AI. 

Efektywnie łączymy interesy twórców AI oraz firm deweloperskich w przejrzyste i kompleksowe umowy, które chronią prawa i inwestycje naszych Klientów.

W prowadzonych działaniach stawiamy na partnerstwo i zaangażowanie. Każda zlecona nam sprawa jest dla nas okazją, by pokazać, jak wartościowe może być połączenie wiedzy specjalistycznej z indywidualnym podejściem do klienta w sferze prawa AI.

The scope of our Law Firm’s services includes:

  • current legal advice and legal services for the IT industry;
  • preparation of contracts and legal support during and prior to the conclusion of IT contracts;
  • support in the process of verifying and negotiating contracts;
  • GDPR in IT sector;
  • assistance in choosing the form of conducting business in the IT area;
  • examination of NDA (non-disclosure) and non-competition clauses;
  • drafting and assessment of software development agreements (IT contracts) for software developers and investors;
  • developing regulations for mobile applications (including SaaS services) and websites;
  • legal analysis of planned IT projects;
  • legal audit of compliance with IT sector standards and regulations;
  • projecting holding structures for IT companies;
  • preparation of documentation for the transfer of IT software to commercial law companies;
  • assessment and negotiations of IT investment agreements;
  • legal support for IT disputes related to IT contracts and software
  • analiza zgodności z prawem usług i narzędzi AI
  • tworzenie regulaminów korzystania z AI
  • analiza ryzyk AI, w szczególności w kontekście AI Act
  • stała obsługa prawna firm zajmujących się AI
  • tworzenie dokumentacji prawnej dla twórców oraz deweloperów AI

We are proud winners of the title:

IT Law Firm of the Year - Poland 2023/2024

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